Digicom Technology News

Top 10 Teleconferencing Tips

Friday, July 16, 2010 1 comments

Here are some tips to help ensure your teleconferences are as effective as in-person meetings. To read these tips in more detail you can view the original article here.
  1. If you’re using a conference call service, test the service beforehand and make sure that the details are distributed to everyone expected to attend.

  2. Distribute an agenda ahead of the meeting.

  3. Schedule the conference call at a time that suits everyone.

  4. Make sure that the meeting starts on time.

  5. Have people not actively participating in the discussion mute their phones.

  6. Let everyone know that interrupting is OK.

  7. Equipment counts.

  8. Allow time for breaks.

  9. When holding larger meetings, consider either having everyone call in or having everyone present in the office.

  10. Have someone take notes and distribute them after the meeting.
Taken from an article written by Simon Mackie in webworkerdaily.

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1 Comment

  1. Anonymous On July 10, 2011 at 11:34 PM

    Nice, and thanks for sharing this info with us.
    Good Luck!
    Video Conference Systems


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